Thursday, August 21, 2008

Some Book Wordle Fun

Lots of us have been reading and talking about the Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series recently--so I think it is time to make a book wordle about them. Comment to this post by Derby Day with words that you associate with the book. Don't worry if someone else has already put that word, it will just give it more emphasis in the final wordle.

If you don't know what a wordle is, check out the Wordle website.


Anonymous said...

twilight new moon eclipse breaking dawn vampire werewolf romeo juliet

Mrs. M said...

Byronic Hero suffering waiting hoping

Anonymous said...

rain light diamond forks lion lamb sacrifice rebirth

Anonymous said...

heathcliff catherine hope despair torn aching heart love soul mate everything beautiful dangerous hot fire ice cold twilight breaking dawn eclipse new moon vampire

A. Jackson said...

thrilling changing gruesome beautiful tragic harsh harmful magical perfect disparity sacrifice lion lamb wolf vegetarian coven imprint indulgence cheerlessness hopelessness abandonment love need longing obsession anxiety him voice bells cullen martyr

A. Jackson said...

thrilling changing gruesome beautiful tragic harsh harmful magical perfect disparity sacrifice lion lamb wolf vegetarian coven imprint indulgence cheerlessness hopelessness abandonment love need longing obsession anxiety him voice bells cullen martyr

A. Jackson said...

thrilling changing gruesome beautiful tragic harsh harmful magical perfect disparity sacrifice lion lamb wolf vegetarian coven imprint indulgence cheerlessness hopelessness abandonment love need longing obsession anxiety him voice bells cullen martyr

A. Yacoubian said...

bond connection soulmate eternity imprint everything life supernatural flawless reborn other half fantasy dream nightmare infatuation despair loss completion fire ice yin yang heartbeat venom sunshine rain sacrifice

A Fishman said...

love sacrifice self-discovery imperfection perfection torture agony drama angst hero heroine human immortal forbidden apple lust subtle irony paris romeo juliet elizabeth darcy catherine heathcliff lysander hermia helena demetrius green rain washington darkness light diamond stone adonis self-image

L. Jalfon said...

passion emotion love lust materialism supernatural surreal honesty suspense need hunger thirst emptiness destruction suffering knowledge sacrifice protection SAAACRIFICE (emphasis on that one) deceitfulness revenge pain uncontrollable

That was fun.